Thursday, August 8, 2019

Wedding Anniversary Wishes for a Dear Friend and His Beloved Wife

Dear Lou:
> Couldn't recall your 55th wedding date but am feeling it was early August.
> In lieu of a "live" gift of celebration, please accept, with Lynn, of course, the attached photo of flowers from our garden, picked fresh this morning.  I picked the flowers for an arrangement I felt would tell a living story.
> The two, large red flowers are Hibiscus and they represent you and Lynn. The center, white, an Althea, represents the purity and timelessness of your shared love. The two, small purple Princess Flowers represent "pillars of character" you share and exhibit in your lives. And the yellow Cana Lillies represent the unconditional love for each other, that love which endures the changes of life.
> Anita and I give you all our best wishes on this special day, the anniversary of the wedding of you and your beloved.
> Ken

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