Saturday, August 13, 2011

Mike Huckabee

Mike Huckabee

I appreciate your show on Fox, but you need to be more current when you prop up the Iowa straw poll as important as you think it is. My reasons are the following:

1) Today's America, including Iowa, is more fluid and dynamic than it was 40 years ago - you cannot honestly say that Iowa is a "filter" or representative of the country at large.

2) In reference to farmers, rural residents - today's farmers and food producers (I am talking about family and individually owned farms) represent less than 3% of the electorate. Big corporations and subsidies to farmers, such as honey producers, control food production in this country.

3) McCain won the Republican nomination despite not being in the Iowa Straw poll

Come on, Mike, we are of the same generation (I am 56 years of age); you and I ought to know better than making comments that are not totally true. And as a Christian, remember that Paul was not a full time preacher (he worked hard for his living and evangelised, despite this). And the most important is that Jesus was not a politician.

Mike, make your voice known without submitting to the mundane demands of being a politician - you do a great job on your show (except for some inaccurate comments) and you made the right decision not to run for the Presidency. Indeed, I have more respect for Billy Grahmn than I would and will have for any politician, self-proclaimed Christian or not.

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